Seed of Life and Hermetic Principles

As I began researching the metaphysical and occult for my work in progress, I jumped in from a religious mindset that had been taught all of this stuff was evil, was sin, and could get me disowned by God or maybe even cause me to end up demon possessed. Now I know that sounds a bit extreme, but the truth is, that's the kind of fear peddling that goes on in most churches. Many leaders are terrified to go into uncharted or unaccepted waters to gain understanding and so they make us feel that even learning about it could cost us our life and lead us to an eternity of burning in hell. Well, none of that is true. Now, let's talk about that beautiful picture I have included here--- the SEED OF LIFE.

As you can see, the seed of life is created by 6 circles with a 7th to be understood to go right through the middle around that flowerlike image in the middle. If you are highly imaginative, you'll also see an 8th in that a seed has housing so you can understand all of that to exist within a circle of it's own. We'll revisit that idea of the 8th circle one day soon, but for now, let's talk about the 7 circles that is often associated with the 7 Hermetic Principles. These principles are:

  1. The Principle of Mentalism - ALL is mind. The universe is mental. (Thought is king.)
  2. The Principle of Correspondence - as above, so below. As within, so without.
  3. The Principle of Vibration - there is no such thing as rest. Everything vibrates.
  4. The Principle of Polarity - everything is dual and has its pair of opposites
  5. The Principle of Rhythm - everything has tides, rises and falls
  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect - there is a law that governs everything and nothing escapes it. Consequences to every action or lack thereof.
  7. The Principle of Gender - there are masculine and feminine aspects to everything
Now, before you shut down on me, just finish reading this blog post. This is where it gets good and understanding begins. Keep this in mind as you read on: A person does not have to be aware of a law to be affected by it. Babies don't know or understand the law of gravity, but they are subject to it.

As you look at the list, I underlined 3 of the 7, not because they are better than the other 4. I underscored them because they have been a part of me way before I learned they were laws. I've always known that the mind is the place of creation. I've always known that you operate on wavelengths of vibration and can only receive what is on that wavelength. I've always known that there seems to be a pattern to life that unfolds over and over again. Likewise, if there is a pattern I don't like, I simply need to interrupt it somehow, to introduce something else into it. But that was all I knew which led me to experiencing some transformation and some level of success, but no real fulfilment.

If you take all 7 principles and put them into a sentence, the sentence could read: All is a mind, which creates a twin reality inside and outside of itself, which vibrates at a frequency that has both positives and negatives, creating a rhythm in life that is significantly influenced by cause and effect and imbalances or balances in the masculine and feminine aspects of everything. That's a lot, so let's look at it a little closer.

Before we do, we think, even when we're not aware of the thought that guided the action. Therefore, the thought manifests itself in action creating a mirror image of our inside reality outside of ourselves. We vibrate as does everything else. These vibrations are frequencies that act as a magnet for the things and people that operate on that frequency. Polarity enters in to remind us that every positive has an equal negative. All things have its opposites. There is a rhythm to life. You have a rhythm yourself. When you catch the rises and falls of the tides of life, you're able to surf them versus being drowned or carried away by them. Cause and effect simply mean that an effect does not exist without a cause. There is a cause to everything. Just because it is not a significant cause to you or acceptable or reasonable, does not mean there is not a cause. Lastly, the masculine and feminine aspects exist everywhere. It shows up in nature over and over. It is the marriage of the two that creates an environment conducive to living the life you want. Imbalances here ripple up through the other laws and create an environment conducive to suffering.

All together, those 7 principles represent the seed of life. They represent the seed of your existence. Imbalances and dysfunction in these principles make for a shaky life. Balance and understanding in these principles give you the power to recreate your life over and over again.

I will be doing much more talk on the Hermetic Principles because not one of them is contrary to scripture. This knowledge in no way makes you a sinner. And if you are a die-hard Christian or Muslim or any other religion, understanding these principles may very well deepen your faith, as it did mine. Of course, I can only share my journey and hope it makes yours much easier. I look forward to your comments as we continue on this odyssey together. 

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