What a Price!

In this life, there is no shortage of things that seek to distract you from what is really important. It works because many people really don't know what is truly important. When you lose sight of what matters most, you pay a huge price. What a price it is!

People experience heart break from relationships and get lost. Friends disappoint or backstab one another and get lost. The chase to not get left behind financially sucks the life out of people. Trying to raise children can blind them. Entertainment is the drug of choice for many who do not have an actual substance to use. Others do find substances: food, alcohol, legal and illegal drugs and even sex. And in all of what I just included in that paragraph, a lot of life is wasted all while the soul cries out within people for something else, something more. 

So if a relationship, job, children and family, money and enjoyment are not most important, what is? I get this question all the time. I could give the short answer and say YOU are important. I am important. THEY are important. But many would miss that because they identify with their behaviors and possessions, their place in the family and the job they work. So if you strip a person of that, most have no clue how to identify themselves. And that's okay right now. That's the purpose of this blog page.

You are important. Your peace, your joy and your purpose. A person who can sing may feel that singing is their purpose. Maybe it is. But what is the purpose of that purpose? Is it simply to give people something to dance to? Or could it be that your singing is meant to lead people back to Source, back to oneness? You see, I'm a writer. I could write anything. But I believe the purpose of writing for me is to help people out of hard, dark, painful places, to let them feel that they aren't alone during their longest nights. I believe I write because I have a love that is not prejudice. I can love anyone, anywhere in no time. So I'm meant to share my love, joy, peace and purpose through writing among other things.

Family shifts because people die and divorce. Jobs end. Material possessions are lost. Money comes and goes. What was fun today may no longer be fun tomorrow. Sex is dangerous outside of commitment no matter what popular culture tells us. It's a sacred gift. So all of this stuff is temporary and fleeting. The only thing you will never lose is YOU and your legacy. The most important way to make sure you're good is to be in agreement and oneness with Creator. The Source never wants to lose connection with you. The relationship between you two is of utmost importance and when you forget that, you pay for it. Not because of punishment but because everything outside of that oneness is fleeting, painful or disappointing.

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