Healing IS Alignment!

When it comes to healing, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, it has everything to do with alignment. Now before you turn me off and say this is just another feel good post, I ask you to spare a few more moments to consider the information I'm about to share. This didn't come from books, but from personal practice and believe me, I've been sick enough times and seriously injured, as well as emotionally damaged to the chore. I know it works because it worked for me.
My story of regaining control over Lupus and other illnesses.

There is a reason for everything, including the words we use. Notice that illness is called disease, dis-ease. It comes from a place of misalignment, a place where the flow of life energy has been interrupted. The problem is, we do not realize that every physical ailment has a spiritual counterpart. Some of you don't believe that, but let me make two brief points on the matter.

Have you ever wondered at how people all across the world can go through the same kind of incident with some dying and others escaping without even a scratch? Sometimes, a person who goes through less receives more physical or emotional damage than someone who endures 2 or 3 times the damage. Have you ever wondered why some people recover from terminal cancer and others die when their prognosis was good? Sure, we all claim that it is God working in mysterious ways. But what if it was more to the story and that story had everything to do with us?

It is a well known fact that stress is a murderer. Disorder in your emotional or spiritual body can make various areas of your physical body susceptible for disease. Everything from fractured bones down to the common cold, all of it must be given some opening. Now a realist may say that jumping off buildings is a surefire way of breaking a bone, but there have been many who have done that and worse without coming up with much more than a scratch. It is, of course, obvious ways to harm yourself. But aside from that, every disorder in our lives come to point out a root and that root is rarely just physical.

Now alignment is when energy is flowing through you properly, when you're grounded and yet connected to all that is divine. Some people feel this is difficult to achieve but it is our natural state. Everything that creates disease and disorder is unnatural and a result of us embracing some disabling belief system. When our perspective is warped or incomplete, it will show up in our physical world, emotional makeup and spiritual standing. We are, as I have said a thousand times, FULLY integrated beings. It is impossible to fully localize any damage. The blessing to that is that it is also impossible to localize health. When you begin to see yourself as a whole, begin to adjust your mindset and shift the paradigm that plagues you mentally, everything else HAS to shift with it. Everything else has to change.

I'm not telling anyone to divorce their doctors or get off their medications. I am telling you that your solution is not a pill. A pill is only the silencer of symptoms, which can be good while you struggle to embrace a new way of thinking, and thus being. You must understand that you are an energetic being, a spiritual being. You were not designed to be sick, broke, depressed or dysfunctional. If you lock that into your mind, you'll begin to see it in your physical existence. 

We'll do more follow up articles on this topic very soon. For now, try to remember that you cannot lose by thinking differently, more limitlessly, more boldly faith-filled. How can that ever hurt? For more encouragement, follow me on Facebook, Twitter and be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel. I want to help you elevate your vibrations and live a more fulfilled and empowered life. Feel free to visit my website and drop me a note if you have topics you'd like to see discussed.
