Working With Crystals

Over the past few months, I've been working with crystals. As a skeptical beginner, I had no idea where to begin. I joined a few Facebook groups and asked for crystal recommendations. After getting some names, I went and began doing research. My first crystals were a chakra healing set of red jasper, tiger's eye, citrine, green aventurine, sodalite, amethyst, and clear quartz. I jumped right in and began trying various tips and tricks I'd found on various sites. And here are some of my findings.

Large Smokey Quartz Tumble

First of all, I now fully believe in the value of crystal healings and meditations. Working with crystals had once seemed taboo because of my Christian beliefs. And my intellectual skeptic didn't think a "rock" could make a difference anyway. So on two sides, I came in expecting to find proof this stuff was just mental fluff until I experienced it for myself. Crystal meditation is not worship of the stone. It isn't anything forbidden or hokey. It is many millenia old wisdom and now basic science.

Along those lines, I found that what seems to work for me is to speak to the crystal as a gardener does the plant. In the beginning it was difficult because I felt foolish, so I went to Youtube and did guided crystal meditations. But after awhile, I began to see my growing collection as a family and team. I began taking time to welcome my new stone to the family. The more I spoke to the stones, the more I seemed to attune to them and found myself "receiving" before very long. Did that sound like a tall leap? Let me explain.

Crystals carry a certain energy and vibrate at a particular frequency. If you have ever used aromatherapy, color therapy or spent time in a garden, you understand "energy" better than you think. Smells have been proven to affect the brain. Color also. People use the knowledge of colors in marketing, in hospitals and in every other conceivable area. Gardeners are known to be some of the most passionate people in the world, carefully nurturing their plants, almost intuitively connected to them and aware of their needs. Crystals are not much different from the aforementioned items used for personal growth. Their structure, color and point of origin combine to make a slew of different stones, each unique in purpose, design and strength. 

Unakite Tumble

Lastly, working with crystals is not always the same experience with each crystal. I've had stones turn cool in my hand, most got warm, some really warm, and I've even had stones like the blue kyanite that made my hand throb. I've had stones make my entire body come to abrupt awareness, stones whose vibrations I could instantly feel going through my body. But I've also had stones where I felt nothing when touching them. But by wearing them over a period of time, I noticed a shift in an area that the stone is said to affect. 

Though I wish I could, I cannot swear that crystal therapy works for everyone. I wouldn't dare make such a claim. But I will say I have had nothing but positive experiences. If you choose to try it, keep a journal. You'll be surprised by the changes over a 30 day period.

For more great posts, follow me on Facebook, like my page, or subscribe over on Youtube where I will discuss crystals in more detail soon. Namaste.
