Oya Energy for Life

The winds of change are forever blowing. Blowing and blowing. Rarely appreciated in the moment, the winds can seem harsh, unforgiving, merciless. But imagine that wind being the breath of a loving goddess/deity that understands the direction of your life and what is needed in every moment. Imagine how often rejected she is, yet how faithful in the carrying out of her duties to move life forward. Yes, you're looking at the legacy of Oya, the Great Orisha of the Winds.

The duties, responsibilities, tasks of mankind are endless. But most of them are thankless. There are no parades, grand galas or even small poems written in honor of the courage it takes just to face day to day life. It is a feat to live from one day to the next and it is a miracle often overlooked. Life is taken for granted, so it is no wonder that people are too. Oya understands. She is also often neglected.

You can imagine languishing in a dead end relationship that neither one of you have the courage to change. Picture working at a go nowhere job you dread waking up to in the morning. Feeling stuck. Feeling congested. Feeling like you might spontaneously combust from all the inner misery over nothing major because nothing major exists. Your soul crying out for attention, for help, for relief. Yes, imagine that. Imagine what that must sound like in the ears of the gods and goddesses. Imagine how that misery echoes in the heart of the Most High.

When you cry out for change, imagine Oya, the energy of rapid change, quick turnaround, sudden shifts. She hears your heart, interprets the meaning of every frustrated, hopeless tear shed. And she comes immediately, guns blazing, to save one of her own. When she stops twirling, twisting, tearing and ripping, there may seem to be nothing. But in this case, nothing is the greatest gift you could have ever been given. Because with NOTHING holding you back, NOTHING in your way, NOTHING left to fear, you can do ANYTHING, have EVERYTHING, and build SOMETHING that will give you life and joy, true contentment and peace. This is the energy, support and gift Oya comes to yield to you. It is nothing to be afraid of because in every particle of the wind is love. She loves enough to do what most won't do, which is risk being seen as the enemy when she acts in complete love on your behalf. Ase' my sisters and brothers. Ase'!

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  1. Thank you. I needed to hear new information about Oya Mother of changes.


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